A clever statistical technique for low count events Even the gold standard study design, randomized clinical trials, have issues with confounding and selection bias in low count settings - especially if less is known about the disease in question.
This is a followup.. or a tangent.. to a previous post on Rural Community Health Needs and Quality Measures
Supporting the health of a community is a complex process.
Motivation: Academic literature information extraction is a fascinating subject.
Motivation for Rmd. https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/gallery.html The primary characteristics that make Rmd.
Motivation for Static Websites The primary characteristics that make static websites convenient.
This is my take on the ‘Data is’ vs ‘Data are’ debate, and an excuse to try out different graphs.
This document shows a brief temperature time series analysis using three NOAA quality control datasets.
For my CSUCI lab group I cleaned messy data with many missing values, I also programmatically added a day/night column using a REST API.